It used to be so easy - Flip camera on the tripod. Then the Flip software stopped working for me and I could not download a new version. Enter the iPod touch. Easy to use for making videos but is not tripod friendly. So I stopped making them. Today I tried my old Fuji digital camera. Here is what I got - crappy video quality but a super cute dog!
I need to figure something out so that I can make my baseline video for the play class!
Chris and Ricky
Wordless Wednesday
3 days ago
Amazon sells tripod holders for iPod/iphnes for around $5.00. Just type in search engine, "tripod holder for iPod" . My friend bought one for his iPhone, works great.
Also, then you can down load imovie app and edit movies. Just check if it works with iPods but I don't see why it wouldn't. The App is $5.00.
Ricky is super cute!
Flip videos were soooo easy! Too bad their software was horrible. I never use mine anymore.
It wasn't to bad and Ricky is super cute :)
I think with how many online classes there are and how cool it is to record your training....and how there could be a puppy in the next few years....:-) maybe, who knows??? should ask Santa for something like a nice little handy cam, and some software to edit movies. It would drive ya nuts for a week or two until you learn how to use it all but OMG it is so nice once you get a system set up. Fun, fun, fun --- but if ya ask let's hope Santa co operates lol, he can be fickle at times, hahaha
Ricky is definitely super cute! Love this little guy!
Ultra super cute little guy.
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