Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Rest of the Summer

During July and August I really concentrated (as much as a puppy can!) on my lessons and classes with my mom and my dog trainer Deb. I learned a lot! I completed my beginning obedience class and graduated with top honors! My mom finally started to walk me again with the help of my "walking collar" which is a micro-pinch collar ( a pinch collar made especially to fit small but wild pups like me). Mom fought the idea of using it for a long time and tried to get me to listen to her on walks with just my martingale collar. But my desire to chase those cars (bikes, joggers, etc.) was just too darn strong! I couldn't really ignore that pinch collar though. It doesn't hurt but it gets my attention and keeps me from pulling Mom. I'm glad we were able to get out there and walk - I love the exercise!

Gotta zoom!


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