Wow - what a gorgeous day! Bright blue sky, sun, sun and more sun! Temperature around 70. Couldn't ask for more. We spent the entire day outside. Went to a park with coffee and bagels (well, mom and dad had the coffee and bagels, of course), came home and had a visit in my yard from my neighbor's golden retriever - the neighbors are on vacation and mom is helping to take care of Amber - had lunch outside, did some agility, and did a lot of running around and barking - everybody seems to have a motorcycle in my neighborhood now. Just what we need....
We tried to take a few photos. Have you seen our fish? All of these fish were born in our pond - there are around 30 fish. Last week the last of the big adults was eaten by the heron. (if you click on the photo, you can see the fish much better!)
We have lots of flowers blooming and I was forced to pose in each flower photo! I'm on leash because we're out in the front yard and a car might go by (that's also why I hardly ever look at mom when we're out there - don't want to miss getting the first glimpse of a car!)
I’m a homebody
1 day ago
Ricky, you look so cute next to those flowers. Your flowers are a few weeks ahead of ours. Our carpet phlox won't bloom until May.
Spring is crazy. You have to take advantage of the nice days, because that snow just likes to keep sneaking its way back.
You look so handsome. It was sunny here too. Moms getting ready for my surprise. Tomorrow we go to agility class.
your pal, Morgan
Love the spring flowers. We had warm weather today too, but I think its suppose to rain tomorrow. Diana
Ricky, you are so handsome, even if you DID have to sit next to FLOWERS!
No wonder you don't like blue herons, what with them eating your fish! The thirty or forty of them I saw must have been really scary to you! I have heard some people put mesh across their pond. Guess it wouldn't look as pretty, but it might keep the herons from making your pond their salad bar...
Pretty fishes and flowers. Poor fishies being eated. :( Granpaw and Mum used to have koi at their old houses so they know the feeling of a heron eating your favourite fish.
~lickies, Ludo
Wow - those are wonderful flowers - the ones in my yard are only now starting to send up some green shoots and you already have flowers. Darn those herons eating all your big fish - I hope they gave them a belly ache!!!! You look so cute sitting there with your flowers but I can see ears listening for the car monsters. It is odd why peoples don't understand how you have to chase them away and tell them off.
What purrrdy flowers!
Solid Gold Dancer
You live in the most beautiful place! I love seeing the pictures of you outside!
licks & slobbers,
Charlie & human
Awww, beautiful pictures!
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