Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What my vet said

I got to see my real vet (Dr. Jan) this afternoon at her house! Dr. Jan hasn't been my vet for about a year because she had neck surgery and is recovering but couldn't practice. She is not really back to work yet but she is so nice and said she would examine me at her house for free! You all probably don't remember but I like her a lot!

Any way, she watched me walk and checked my neck, my spine, my feet, my knees and my hips. From what she could feel she thinks I have some inflammation in my back - in my spine sort of just above my hips (maybe around L-3 and it's mostly on the right side of my spine). That is the only place that she thought I was kind of ouchy. She does say that my right anterior cruciate is a little weaker than my left but she doesn't think there is a problem there. That's good news! She thinks the twitchy-ness of that right leg could be the pain in the nerve radiating down my leg.

So just like Diana suggested, I am officially on two weeks of rest. No jumping and no stairs. I can still go on walks and even run just a little bit. I am going to take deramaxx for a week too for the inflammation. Then after two weeks we gradually get back to my normal stuff - adding low jumps and progressing to the spread jumps eventually. If I am still not better by then, we have to do x-rays, etc. Of course we are so hoping that rest and the anti-inflammatory will do the trick!

Gotta zoom (well, not really)!



Dawn said...

Careful with that zooming little buddy! I hope the two weeks rest is just the ticket and you're soon up to your regular schedule!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Please do TRY and take it easy -

Your mom will rekhover better that way too -


Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Good luck with the two weeks of rest! I'm glad that she doesn't think it's an ACL injury.

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

Hope a little restricted activity will do the trick, wow and a house are a lucky guy Ricky!

Unknown said...

I'm glad your old vet could see what was wrong. We're so glad it wasn't anything worse! Take a good rest, Ricky :)

Sara said...

That sounds like good news to me.

Take it easy Ricky, and rest up!

Diana said...

Im gald you got Ricky checked and by someone you like. Sounds like a good plan. Diana

Morganne said...

Wow Ricky! Be careful and no zooooming.

Patti and DeBoys said...

We DITTO all of the above comments! Defiantly Fabulous News...

Marie said...

Glad to hear that you got to see your favorite vet. That probably does a lot to ease your worry. I hope that the rest does the trick!

Sagira said...

Rest up Ricky so we can see you back in the agility ring. We missed you today!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I knows it will be hard not to zoom, but it will make your owie go away! Good luck!

Kapitein Haakje said...

hope you be better!
get some rest :)

El'bow & Hauwii

Johann The Dog said...

Oh wow Ricky...sorry we've been unable to visit for so long. Wow, sounds like you have a similar thing to me!

One thing that Mum didn't write in detail is that those muscles in the back are angled from the spine (the middle gluteals) (do a image google search and you can see a diagram, very interesting) work the hips and back legs. That's what's tight on me. Mum can put three fingers together in parallel from my spine, rub just a little and feel that the muscle tissues are bunched up, so she uses those three fingers to rub the knots out on either side of my spine. She got very detailed instruction on how to do it. But your Mum could feel those muscles on you too! Just go down your spine, find where your ribs end, then feel the muscle fibers coming out in an angle from your lower spine before your hip bones, it's about a two - three inch area below your ribs and before your hips.

Maybe I can get Mum to do a little video, but it's so dark in our cabin it's difficult.

Hope you are feeling better soon! We definitely know what's it like to be restricted, no fun!