Well, I woke up around 3:00AM and threw up the aspirin that mom had given me 12 hours earlier. It was whole and totally undigested. Then I proceeded to keep throwing up for the next 3 hours. Mom called the emergency vet and they said I could most likely wait until my vet was open in the morning. Mom couldn't decide what to do (she didn't want to take me to the emergency vet if it wasn't necessary because they would probably do lots of tests including x-rays and she was hesitant to put me through all that). It's always the not knowing that is the worst part. You don't want to push the panic button but you don't want to wait too long, etc....We have such a nice vet though and mom called her at home at 6:30AM! She always tells us to call any time, so mom did. Well the vet said to wait a couple hours and see if my stomach could calm down on it's own and call her back. She says that dogs sometimes can go on and on with the vomiting. Since mom called I have not thrown up - I am tired and quiet (kind of subdued) and my throat is sore. The good news is that it looks like I am not limping. Mom can tell I am putting weight on my leg.....but she is still being careful and has me on a leash and is carrying me outside and up stairs.
So soon I guess we'll start to try to see if I can keep water down and then maybe rice and then maybe rice and chicken? Mom is mad at herself for giving me the aspirin - but when your vet suggests it, then you tend to do it. In hindsight she thinks if she had just rested me, I would be fine right now instead of sicker. Nothing is ever black and white in life - there is always that nasty gray area...........
Thanks to all my friends for your get-well wishes! We sure do appreciate it!
Gotta rest some more,
Wordless Wednesday
1 week ago
Oh Ricky! Katie and I are sorry you feel so terrible! It's no fun to keep throwing up is it! Not for Mom either!
We hope you feel better later on this morning and don't have to go to the vet. I know your Mom will cuddle you lots, maybe even spoil you with all that good food. Try not to take advantage of her, OK?
Hi Ricky we hope you are feeling better. Aspirin can upset the stomach and throwing up is no fun ugh! Hope your next note is to say you are better maybe your mom will lie down with you later cuddling allways makes you feel better:)
Oh no Ricky. Not the being sicks. :( I glad your leg seem better. Tell your mum not to feel bad, them peoples only tries to make us better after all.
~lickies, Ludo
Oh, Ricky, so sorry to hear that you've had such a bad night. Josh is very prone to vomiting and sometimes it just goes on and on until he's brought up all the his food and then I just start him on chicken and rice and have him on this very bland diet for three days or so befor I start mixing some of his usual food in. Upset tummies seem to be a Sheltie thing :(
Poor Ricky boy, sorry to hear the aspirin upset your stomach. I think shelties are so delicate and can easily upset by strong pain killer. I am glad your leg seems ok. Have a good rest a lots of cuddles.
Poor baby. Throwing up is the worst. You take it easy, and we hope your tummy is feeling better real soon!
sorry about your tummy Ricky. Is it gurgling? Those funny tummy noises can get you even more upset. Mom has had pretty good luck with pepsid for sheltie tummies..And then I just eat plain old rice for a couple of days. I like rice..maybe some broth mixed in too is yummy. Where do you live in Ohio? we know a really good vet in Cleveland. Hes an internal medicine specialist too - bonus! Your pal, Morgan
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