Monday, February 15, 2010

Today is my birthday!!

Look at what Sanne, El'bow and Hauwii did for my birthday! How cool!!! Thanks so much guys!

I am three years old today! Mom says she doesn't know where the time has gone and she can't believe I am three! Yesterday I got to go to my favorite park even though it was 27 degrees outside and still completely snow-covered - the sun was out and that was nice! Then I came home and had a marrow bone! Today we are supposed to get more snow and mom and I are hoping our class with Jenn will not be cancelled!

Mom made a video for me as a birthday present - she hopes you all enjoy it!

Gotta zoom!

Ricky - the birthday boy!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Barkday Handsome!

What a furry special video your mom made fur woo!

I hope woo have a pawesome day!

PeeEssWoo: Are woo going to get more snow too?

Lian said...

Happy 3rd Birthday to a very clever and handsome Ricky! Love your video, there are some fabulous photos and I have keep playing back a few times just to admire them.

Hope your mum spoil you rotten!

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Happy Birthday Ricky! You were almost a valentine sheltie!. We hope you get lots of gifts!
your pals, Morgan & Maisie

Diana said...

Happy Birthday Rickey. Great picture show. Diana

Kapitein Haakje said...

Happy B-day!!! Ricky!!

have a very very very nice day! :)

El'bow & Hauwii

Sara said...

Happy, happy 3rd Birthday Ricky! Your mom made you a great slide show, we enjoyed our trip down memory lane.

Enjoy your day, although I know everyday is like a birthday for you.

Fizz said...

Happy birthday Ricky!! You are just tooooo cute. We love the slideshow that your Mom made, the photo of you stood on your Mom's back is great, BOL! It's interesting to see that the blaise on your head disappeared completely as you growed up too.

Birthday hugs!
Fizz xx

Dawn said...

What a great video your Mom made for you Ricky! You grew up so FAST! And there are some wonderful pictures I want to go back and look at. I especially liked the one of you just after a bath with a towel on your head. That one made me giggle. The music made me feel sadly nostalgic for your puppyhood..and I'm not even your Mama!

I think you're going to get more snow for your birthday...hope it's fun!

Amber and Nala said...

Hi Ricky, I'm Nala and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! You sure are a cute boy and I loved the picture of you standing on your Mom's back. ;)


Amber and Nala said...

Hi Ricky, I'm Nala and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! You sure are a cute boy and I loved the picture of you standing on your Mom's back. ;)


Patti and DeBoys said...

Happy Birthday! What a FANTASTIC drawing you got for your birthday.
Hope you get alot of treats.
Patti and 'De Boys' of Southern Utah

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Ricky!

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ricky!!! Hope you have a great birthday, and get some great treats! Three is such an awesome milestone. Tell your mom she did a GREAT job on the video, and love the picture you got!!!!

Pepper said...

Hi Ricky, my name's Pepper, we saw the picture that Sanne did for you over on her blog and thought we'd come and wish you a very happy birthday, glad you got to have a delicious marrow bone!

Unknown said...

Happy Happy birthday Ricky!!! You really grown up now!
I loved the slideshow, especially the ones of you showing your big teefs!
I seed a piccure of me in there.
Hey, when'd you meet Johanne?
~lickies, Ludo

Duke said...

Happy birthday, Ricky! We read about you at El'bow and Hauwii's blog!
You were sure a cute puppy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Abby and Aiden said...

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Wow big three happy three birthday!

Dawn said...

Hey Ricky, ask your Mom if she and your Dad found directions for the dogwalk they made you online somewhere? Or if they made it up as they went? We want to build one for you know she can practice this summer on something better than the cement block scrap lumber version we've put together so far!

Irish Hill Shelties said...

Happy belated Birthday Ricky we have been kind of busy with new babies the past 10 days so I didn't see 3 YEARS OLD WOW you are all grown up now hope you had a good day it looks like you did oops got to go babies are yelling :)

Nicki said...

Time flies! Happy b-day!

Morganne said...

Happy Birthday Ricky! You are UBER COOL and very photogenic!

Sage and Summit (big cousins to Shelties)

Marie said...

What a great photo slideshow video! I love your puppy pictures, you were just too cute.

Unknown said...

OH, belated happy birthday, Ricky!! What a gorgeous, gorgeous video! I can't believe that tiny little puppy was you - you looked like a toy dog! :-) So lovely to watch you slowly growing up and doing so many fun things with your humans! (And wow - you sure do ZOOM in those agility photos!)

Am so sorry I've not come visiting for ages!! Hsin-Yi was away overseas at this Ian Dunbar conference and then when she came back, our Google Reader was on 164 and when it gets like that, she just becomes like an ostrich and tries to hide from it and pretend it isn't there...and now our Google Reader is on 241 - aaaarrrggghh!! So I have forced her to sit down and help me visit some friends otherwise it's going to be the dreaded "Mark all as read" button!!

Honey the Great Dane