Josh and Jess didn't want to be the only pups out there to have a mom that forced them to put embarassing photos of themselves sound asleep (and being a good dogs, might I add!) on their blog so they challenged all their friends to do the same! (Long sentence, isn't it?). So here is a photo of me sacked out on the couch after a big day of kayaking and swimming last summer!
Hope you all had a good weekend! I visited with cousin Wilson yesterday, so I had a great time! Today we got about two inches of snow that wasn't predicted - mom is really sick of winter, but I still like it!
Gotta zoom!
I’m a homebody
1 day ago
Ricky, tell your mom it is only 54 more days until Spring!
But who's counting.....
Hi Ricky
Great blog. Saw the link from the Knights sheltie blog.
I love this weather too. The snow tasted wonderful.
Good sleeping photo. Dad grew up in North Central Ohio and went to college at Wittenberg.
Keep zooming.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
54 more days till spring? 54 MORE? Ah well. Very very cute picture Ricky! I think the longer winter is the more zoomies we get around here. Last night I was in bed asleep and Katie was out in the living room with her dad when suddenly she zoomed into the bedroom, leaped on the bed and fell asleep. Husband said he didn't know what was up, one moment she was zooming around like her normal crazy self, the next moment she zoomed down the hall and he didn't see her again the entire evening! LOL! Got to love those zoomies!
Ricky, you look so sweet!!! :)
Great piccure Ricky!
~lickies, Ludo
My mom and your mom agree about winter......she wants it over NOW! We are getting snow right at this moment - they say 3-4" today. Hmmmm that means I get to play bulldozer sticking my head in snow then plowing through it. You looked very cute snoozing. Dad tried all day yesterday to get a pic of me snoozing...but I heard him every time
I think you look sooo peaceful sleeping...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
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