Before it started raining again, we had several days in a row that were warm and partly sunny. I mean the highs were 85! It felt like July and I walked around panting all day and night. We spent a lot of time outside. Mom got annuals and planted pots and did other gardening. I got to cool off in the hose. We took some photos - mostly of flowers. The irises are very beautiful this year (probably all that April rain). They are super tall and have lots of blooms. Today we have five different colored ones blooming in the front garden. Irises have been one of mom's favorite flowers ever since she was a kid.
Your flowers are so pretty. Love the gerba daisies!
I've been trying to plant some stuff, but every time I start, the rain comes down!
Those flowers are FABULOUS!!!
I just love sunny days!
You look too cute!
Oh, gorgeous flowers, Ricky! You're going to have an amazing garden this summer!! We are always so admiring & envious when we see people who are good with gardens coz my humans have BLACK thumbs! Hee! Hee!
Honey the Great Dane
They are all beautiful!! I hope the rain stops soon.
Just beautiful - my Mom loves Iris's too - heck she loves ALL flowers I think :) Did you get to go on any walkies with the warm weather?
Those are SOOOOOOOOOO pretty!
You have a very pretty garden, Ricky! Those flowers are gorgeous!
What a nice garden Rickie. We love our gardens, too. When the flowers and veggies are out Mom and Dad spend more time outside with us.
Those flowers are gorgeous - your garden will be lovely this summer! Me and the girls are very jealous over here.
Beautiful flowers, we're not really into flowers unless we're digging them up but our human says that's what our garden should look like ;-) Dex & Lou x
Beautiful flowers!
Our mom can't leave flowers at our disposal, we like them so much, that we are able to reap and to eat them! =))
Have a nice week!
So pretty Ricky! You do good gardening! We like iris too.
Pretty flowers Ricky!
Trieball looks fun! You can really push that ball well.
Happy birthday to your Mom too!
Your garden is very pretty Ricky! Lovely flowers
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear
Wow! Beautiful!
What pretty flowers. :)
They are so pretty!
Hey are you and your Mom doing?
Very purdy!
All the flowers are so pretty. Hope you get some nice spring weather Ricky. We've had a couple days in the 80s and everyone is panting here. We'd love to just stay in the 60 and low 70 for awhile.
Thanks for visiting us and leaving your kind barks. They really help Dog Dad a lot. Essex & Dog Dad
Hi Ricky, hope you're enjoying your weekend. The flowers are beautiful, you sure have green paws ;-) Dex & Louis x
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