Tuesday, September 29, 2009

tRicky T-Day!

After skipping tRicky T-Day last week and then only posting someone else's trick video the week before that, we felt a lot of pressure to post a trick this week!! LOL! So we made a very quick video this morning showing the beginnings of my new trick - stand in the corner! We were inspired to learn this from Dazzle's corner trick (video we posted two weeks ago) and then we also saw Blue over at Trublue Art and Agility learned this trick recently too! Mom started by putting a piece of painter's tape in the corner and having me touch it with my nose. Then she stopped putting the tape and just pointed and told me, "Corner, nose!" Eventually she will just say, "Corner!" and won't point and I'll just do it. Not sure if she'll ever get me to sit in the corner though. She tried and I just don't like it!

Gotta zoom!



Diana said...

Very cute. Diana

Sara said...

Good job Ricky! I just started teaching that to Oreo. You are doing much better!

Unknown said...

Ooh, Ricky - I think that's a mean trick to teach you! :-) Hee! Hee! I think if my human taught me to stand in the corner, they'd have to move either the TV box or the bookcase or the sofa to make room for me...so thankfully, I don't think I'll be learnign this trick! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

That looks a really great trick! We so need to get working on some posting for T-days. We has had too much going on lately! We is working on some, but slowly.
~lickies, Ludo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khute but woo are a good boy!

Woo don't have to go in the khorner!


Dawn said...

Ah Ricky! Be careful about learning tricks the human Mom can use against you later! LOL! You are very cute though, putting your nose in the corner and then checking behind you, then putting it back there quick!

Johann The Dog said...

Bwwwahhhahahah! Ricky you a bad boy, had to stand in the corner. How great is that trick!! Nice job!

Marie said...

What a great trick! You and your mom do a super job of coming up with fun tricks.

Lian said...

That's really cute Ricky!