Too bad mom didn't bring the video camera to yesterday's agility class! It was the last one for this session (maybe the last one until the Fall because the building gets really hot in the summer and the instructor won't teach when it's hot - well, I won't do agility when it's hot either), and there was an awesome course set up and I ran it three times! The course wasn't too easy but it wasn't too difficult either. Mom was able to just walk it 1 1/2 times and she knew what she planned to do. The first time through we did great - I was pretty fast and very confident. The only mistake came when mom forgot where the second to last jump was and had to move and redirect me. Other than that it would've been perfect! Second time through mom handled it the same and corrected herself at the end, so if I remember correctly, it was perfect! Then for the third time mom decided to try some different handling - a lead out, some rear crosses instead of front crosses, the other side for the weaves - well, the lead out worked great, I missed a tunnel/aframe discrimation because I didn't read mom as well and she ran past the aframe before I committed to it (she needs to keep saying to herself - like a mantra - "don't go on until Ricky commits to the obstacle!") - but other than that things went well again. We were very excited and are feeling much more confident for Saturday's trial! It's also a good feeling when you hear other people in the class saying things like, "Ricky's looking good" or "Nice run".
Other than agility (cause we've also been practicing in the backyard almost every day too) we have been going on walks - two different and really fun pet trails and also my favorite park - on Saturday we went to grandpa and grandma's and visited and had dinner, and on Sunday we went to a Pet Expo. I had never been any where like it - loud, crowded with people and dogs, smelly, and LOUD - did I already mention the loud part? It was held in a convention center and there were exhibits and booths of things to buy and demonstrations of dog training, rescue groups, etc. Our club volunteers to be in the shows and we went partly to see if we liked it and might want to volunteer to be in the show next year. We're undecided about that - because it was so LOUD! But it was a good experience for me, I guess. I was a very good boy and stayed right next to mom (she protected me from getting stepped on) and only snuck a couple tiny pieces of yummy somethings off the floor (and I could've eaten non-stop the whole time!).
We're enjoying the spring weather on the days when it feels like spring - our grass is greening up and star magnolias are blooming as well as daffodils and even some tulips. Looks like regular magnolias and flowering trees like crabapples will bloom soon! This morning we had a migrant Eastern Towhee in our backyard scratching away at leaves. If it's not yet looking like spring where you are, we hope it will soon!
Gotta zoom!
Wordless Wednesday
1 week ago